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According to who you ask some people like homework and feel happy(few), anmd most other people come at it with the approach of anger, or time waster.

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Q: What is the emotional appeal of homework?
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Emotional appeal is about tapping into the audience's feelings, values, and beliefs to persuade them, while logical appeal relies on reasoning, evidence, and facts to make a case. Emotional appeal seeks to evoke an emotional response, such as empathy or nostalgia, whereas logical appeal focuses on presenting a rational argument or analysis to convince the audience. Both can be effective in influencing people but in different ways.

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A example for Emotional Appeal Propoganda Making stuff look better than it is. Like the fushigi ball..

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An example of an emotional appeal is using heartwarming stories of individuals who have overcome obstacles to create an emotional connection with the audience. This can make people feel empathetic, caring, and motivated to take action.

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