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Q: What is the enthalpy change for converting 1 mol of ice at -50 degrees celsius to water at 70 degrees celsius?
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A substance has a temperature change from 20 degrees celsius to 45 degrees celsius. This corresponds to what temperature change in Fahrenheit degrees?

20 degrees Celsius is 68 degrees Fahrenheit. 45 degrees Celsius is 113 degrees Fahrenheit. So 25 degrees change Celsius = 25 x 1.8 = 45 degrees Fahrenheit. 1 degree change in Celsius is equivalent to 1.8 degrees change in Fahrenheit. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of Temperature Units".

What is the tempertaure change if it was 22 degrees celsius and dropped to -6 degrees celsius?


Change 46 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius?

46 degrees Fahrenheit = 7.78 degrees Celsius

What is the change in average temperature between January and July if January's average temperature is 9 degrees Celsius and July's average temperature is 16 degrees Celsius in America?

The change is 7 Celsius degrees (NOT degrees Celsius).

How many degrees change Fahrenheit is a 1 degree change Celsius?

1 degree Celsius = 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit 2 degrees Celsius = 35.6 degrees Fahrenheit 35.6 - 33.8 = 1.8

What is the temperature change when you heat water from 35 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius?

Please try to use your brain to solve simple questions such as this one. The change in temperature is simply 100 - 35 = 65 degrees Celsius.

Change 59 degrees faharenheit to degrees celsius?

59 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 15 degrees Celsius. The conversion formula is: Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) x 5/9.

Change 59 degrees fahernheit to degrees Celsius?


How do you change degrees from Celsius to kelvins?

Add 273.15 to Celsius to get Kelvin.

What is the temperature change from 8 degrees - -7 degrees Celsius?

Since --7 deg = +7 deg, the change is 1 Celsius degree.

Which measures a bigger heat change 1 degrees Fahrenheit or 1 degrees celsius?

1 degree Celsius

What is the temperature change in 12 degrees Celsius to minus 5 degrees Celsius?

12 - (-5) = 17 deg