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Freq times wavelength = speed (velocity) of light

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8y ago
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Sierra Murtha

Lvl 1
2y ago
v = f ⋅ (weird 2 looking symbol)
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Jake Jaime

Lvl 1
2y ago
Thanks man
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Lvl 1
1y ago
it's f=v/*symbol (I just took the quiz on apex)
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14y ago

Understanding that equation is very important.

First here is the equation


It says that frequency is equal to the velocity divided by wavelength.

A good way to remember this equation is to imagine sound traveling for 1 second. In that one second, in air, it will travel 343 meters because the speed of sound is 343 m/s. Now the above equation divides the velocity of the wave by the wavelength of the wave. So imagine those 343 meters divided up into wavelengths. The number of wavelengths in those 343 meters is equal to the frequency.

The reason this is so is because the frequency of a wave is the number of cycles a specific point in the air will experience in one second as the wave passes by.

Now in one second 343 meters of that wave will pass by and we just calculated using v/λ how many cycles would be in those 343 meters.

So by thinking about it you can kind of understand why f=v/λ.

You can find the other related equations, v=fλ and λ=v/f, by rearranging that equation.

Another important related equation is this one.


or the frequency is equal to the inverse of the period.

To understand why this is the case, imagine a cork floating on the water as a wave goes by. The number of times the cork bobs up and down in one second is the frequency. If we knew the time it took the cork to bob up and down only once and then divide 1 second by that time, we would then have the number of times it bobs up and down in one complete second, which is the frequency.

Rearranging that equation you get T=1/f

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6y ago

For any wave:speed (of the wave) = frequency x wavelength

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Elicia Jones

Lvl 5
1y ago

F = v / (the fancy two looking thing)

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Lvl 2
3y ago


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Lvl 7
1y ago

X = v/f

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Lvl 1
3y ago

f= Velocity / ^

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Alana Cos

Lvl 1
3y ago
this is the write answer for apex cheaters lol

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Q: What is the equation that links velocity frequancy and wavelength?
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The wave equation says that a wave's is equal to its wavelength times its frequency?

Actually, the wave equation states that the speed of a wave is equal to its wavelength multiplied by its frequency. This equation is represented as v = λf, where v is the speed of the wave, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency.

How are the frequency and the wavelength of a light wave related?

The frequency and wavelength of a light wave are inversely related: as the frequency increases, the wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is described by the equation: speed of light = frequency x wavelength.

If Two waves are traveling in the same medium with a speed of 340ms What is the difference in frequency of the waves if the one has a wavelength fo 5m and the other has a wavelength of 0.2m?

The frequency of a wave is inversely proportional to its wavelength, so we can use the equation: speed = wavelength * frequency. For the first wave with a wavelength of 5m, the frequency would be 68 Hz. For the second wave with a wavelength of 0.2m, the frequency would be 1700 Hz. The difference in frequency between the two waves would be 1632 Hz.

What is the formual for acceleration?

The formula for acceleration is a = (change in velocity) / (time taken), where "a" represents acceleration, "change in velocity" is the difference between the final velocity and the initial velocity, and "time taken" is the duration over which the change in velocity occurs.

How is wavelength measure?

A wavelength is a measure of the distance between two consecutive peaks (or troughs) of a wave. For electromagnetic radiation, the wavelengths range from 10^-11 to 10^3 metres - a factor of 100 trillion. There is, therefore, no single instrument which can be used to measure across such a range.

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The wave equation says that a wave's is equal to its wavelength times its frequency?

Actually, the wave equation states that the speed of a wave is equal to its wavelength multiplied by its frequency. This equation is represented as v = λf, where v is the speed of the wave, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency.

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The frequency and wavelength of a light wave are inversely related: as the frequency increases, the wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is described by the equation: speed of light = frequency x wavelength.

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Speed of sound c is frequncy f times wavelength lambda. c = f times lambda Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion: frequency f to wavelength lambda and wavelength to frequency".

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For a frequency f in air with the speed of sound of c = 343 meters per second the wavelength lambda = c / f. A frequency of 543.3 Hz meters equals a wavelength of 0.6313 meters. There is a useful calculator for converting wavelength to frequency and vice versa. Scroll down to related links and look at "Acoustic waves or sound waves in air".

How is wavelength measure?

A wavelength is a measure of the distance between two consecutive peaks (or troughs) of a wave. For electromagnetic radiation, the wavelengths range from 10^-11 to 10^3 metres - a factor of 100 trillion. There is, therefore, no single instrument which can be used to measure across such a range.

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'c' in the equation E=mc2 represents the speed of light (in a vacuum).For more information, see Related links below.

Discuss effect of temperature on the velocity of sound?

Scroll down to related links and look at "Speed of sound - Wikipedia". There is a table of the effects of the temperature on sound. Don't say "velocity of sound", call it "speed of sound".

How do you find the distance from a velocity time graph?

this time is basically the instant when an object has a particular velocity(instantaneous velocity). so on the graph draw a line from the particular value of the velocity and then draw a vertical line on time axis to find the time for that velocity.