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An example of acceleration in the direction of motion is a smooth spherical stone dropped from the roof of a building on a windless day. All the motion is straight down, toward the center of the earth, and so is the acceleration.

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When an object is moving in a straight line and speeding up, the acceleration is in the same direction as the motion. An example would be a car accelerating along a straight road.

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Q: What is the example where acceleration is in the direction of motion?
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What is an example of a motion in which acceleration is in direction of motion?

Throwing an object straight up in the air is an example of a motion in which acceleration is in the direction of motion. After the object is released, the acceleration due to gravity acts downward, which is in the same direction as the motion of the object as it goes up and then comes back down.

What is an example of acceleration in direction of motion?

An example of acceleration in the direction of motion is when a car speeds up while driving on a highway. As the driver presses on the accelerator pedal, the car's velocity increases in the same direction as its motion, resulting in acceleration in the direction of travel.

What is the example where Acceleration against the direction of motion?

When acceleration is opposite to (against) the direction of motion, the magnitude of the velocity decreases, meaning that the object slows down. An example is the application of the brakes to slow or stop a car. During the time that the pressure remains on the brake pedal, the car's acceleration is negative ... meaning opposite to the direction of motion ... and the car's speed is decreasing.

What is the example where acceleration is against the direction of motion?

One example where acceleration is against the direction of motion is when a car is slowing down to a stop. In this case, the acceleration is directed opposite to the motion of the car, causing it to decelerate.

What are Example of acceleration which is against direction of motion?

An example of acceleration against the direction of motion is when a moving car suddenly brakes, causing it to slow down. Another example is when a cyclist pedals backward while moving forward, causing the bicycle to slow down.

Related questions

What is an example of a motion in which acceleration is in direction of motion?

Throwing an object straight up in the air is an example of a motion in which acceleration is in the direction of motion. After the object is released, the acceleration due to gravity acts downward, which is in the same direction as the motion of the object as it goes up and then comes back down.

What is an example of acceleration in direction of motion?

An example of acceleration in the direction of motion is when a car speeds up while driving on a highway. As the driver presses on the accelerator pedal, the car's velocity increases in the same direction as its motion, resulting in acceleration in the direction of travel.

What is the example of acceleration which is in the direction of motion?


What is the example where Acceleration against the direction of motion?

When acceleration is opposite to (against) the direction of motion, the magnitude of the velocity decreases, meaning that the object slows down. An example is the application of the brakes to slow or stop a car. During the time that the pressure remains on the brake pedal, the car's acceleration is negative ... meaning opposite to the direction of motion ... and the car's speed is decreasing.

What is the example where is in the direction of motion?

An example of acceleration in the direction of motion is a smooth spherical stone dropped from the roof of a building on a windless day. All the motion is straight down, toward the center of the earth, and so is the acceleration.

What is the example where acceleration is against the direction of motion?

One example where acceleration is against the direction of motion is when a car is slowing down to a stop. In this case, the acceleration is directed opposite to the motion of the car, causing it to decelerate.

What is the example where acceleration is in the direction of non-uniform motion?

Freely falling body is a good example

What are Example of acceleration which is against direction of motion?

An example of acceleration against the direction of motion is when a moving car suddenly brakes, causing it to slow down. Another example is when a cyclist pedals backward while moving forward, causing the bicycle to slow down.

Why is circular motion an example of constant acceleration?

Circular motion is an example of constant acceleration because even though the speed of the object moving in a circle is constant, the direction of velocity is continuously changing. This change in direction indicates acceleration, as acceleration is defined as any change in velocity, including changes in direction.

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Acceleration is against the direction of motion?

Acceleration can be in the opposite direction of motion, which is called deceleration. Acceleration can also be in the same direction as motion, causing an increase in speed. The direction of acceleration depends on the forces acting on the object.

What kind of motion does the speed and direction not change?

Acceleration in motion refers to a change in speed or direction of that object's motion. So a type of motion in which speed and direction do not change is a motion in which the acceleration is constant (i.e. unchanging).