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you can check out this site for some negative impacts

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Incineration can release harmful pollutants such as dioxins, heavy metals, and greenhouse gases into the air, soil, and water, posing health risks to both humans and the environment. It can also discourage recycling and waste reduction efforts by providing a seemingly easy disposal method for waste instead of focusing on more sustainable practices. Additionally, communities near incineration facilities may experience negative effects on air quality and quality of life.

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Why is the disposal of polymers by incineration and in landfill sites?

Disposal of polymers via incineration is done to reduce the volume of waste and generate energy. Landfill disposal is used when recycling or incineration is not feasible, contributing to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Both methods have negative environmental impacts and should be minimized through waste reduction and recycling efforts.

What are the problems of incineration?

Some of the problems of incineration include air pollution from the release of harmful gases and particulate matter, potential health risks to nearby communities due to emissions, and the generation of toxic ash and residues that require proper disposal. Additionally, there are concerns about the impact on climate change due to the release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.

Why incineration not a method of waste disposal?

Incineration can release harmful pollutants such as dioxins and heavy metals into the air. It also requires high energy input, which can be expensive and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, incineration does not effectively reduce the overall amount of waste generated or promote recycling and waste reduction.

What is the meaning of incineration?

Incineration is a waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials. This process converts waste into ash, flue gas, and heat. It is used to reduce waste volume, generate energy, and eliminate hazardous components.

What is meant by incineration for what purpose it is used?

Incineration is the process of burning waste materials at high temperatures to reduce their volume and mass, converting them into ash, flue gas, and heat. It is used to dispose of solid waste, hazardous materials, and organic waste while generating energy in the form of heat or electricity as a byproduct.

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Why does incineration have less environmental impact then landfill?

i guess because it doesn't take up as much room or smell and incineration gets rid of it does that sound bout right? (:

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Why is the disposal of polymers by incineration and in landfill sites?

Disposal of polymers via incineration is done to reduce the volume of waste and generate energy. Landfill disposal is used when recycling or incineration is not feasible, contributing to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Both methods have negative environmental impacts and should be minimized through waste reduction and recycling efforts.

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Negative impact on physical growth, negative impact on metal agility and negative impact on immune system.

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Calvin R. Brunner has written: 'Incineration systems handbook' -- subject(s): Incinerators, Incineration 'Handbook of hazardous waste incineration' -- subject(s): Incineration, Hazardous wastes 'Hazardous air emissions from incineration' -- subject(s): Air, Environmental aspects, Environmental aspects of Incineration, Handbooks, manuals, Hazardous wastes, Incineration, Pollution 'Plasma arc and other thermal destruction technologies applied to persistent organic pollutants' -- subject(s): Plasma heating, Incineration, Hazardous wastes, Persistent pollutants 'Incineration Systems Seminar Notebook' 'Handbook of incineration systems' -- subject(s): Incinerators, Incineration

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When was Toshima Incineration Plant created?

Toshima Incineration Plant was created in 1999.

When was Frederiksberg Incineration Plant created?

Frederiksberg Incineration Plant was created in 1903.

Who works at the incineration places?

The people who works at the incineration place is someone who knows about engeneering.

Is consequence and impact same?

When you say consequences they are all positive. When you say impact, they may be positive or negative, such as positive impact or negative impact. But we don't use phrases like positive consequence or negative consequence. But there are surely positive and negative impacts! What do you say?

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What is the difference between dilute and incineration?

The meaning of diluted is low concentration of a solute; incineration is burning.