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Q: What is the exposition in 'Footnote to Youth'?
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What is the Exposition of the Footnote to Youth?

The exposition of "Footnote to Youth" introduces Dodong, the protagonist, his fiance and his father. It also introduces the conflict Dodong is facing, which is that he must tell his father that he plans to marry. He knows his father will think he is too young, but he is determined to marry the woman he loves.

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Footnote to Youth what the lyrics?

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How many chapters does a footnote to youth have?

Footnote To Youth by Jose Garcia Villa was published in 1933.

Footnote to youth meaning?

Footnote to youth is the title of the story. It is said that it is a footnote to youth because it is abrief reminder for the Filipinos especially the youth of what a real life could be today. It also indicatesthe sources or the causes why youth act this way.

Describe teang in the story of footnote?

describe Teang in the story footnote to youth

Conflict of the story of Footnote to Youth?

The conflict of the story Footnote to Youth has to do with the couple marrying at such a young age. The struggle and have regrets about their decision.

What symbols are found in Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa?

Footnote to Youth symbolizes the struggles of a teen that finds himself caught in the hardships of teen marriage, and parenthood. Footnote to Youth was first published in 1933 and was written by Jose Garcia Villa.

What is setting of the story footnote to youth?


What is the theme of footnote youth?

to be responsible person

What is the theme in Footnote to Youth?

early marriage