

Best Answer

Most likely when:

Beast is revived and return to human form

The Big Kiss

The appliances and ware returns to human.

Hope this helps!

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Q: What is the falling action in Beauty and the Beast?
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Who is playing Beast in the live action Disney Beauty and the Beast?

Dan Stevens

Which one is the falling action in the story Beauty and the Beast?

um, USE YOUR HEAD AND DO SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN INSTEAD OF RELYING ON OTHER PEOPLE TO DO IT FOR YOU! that's not a really good answer if u want to now the answer than here it is: well it's blatant really so because the name beauty falls in love with the beast

Who is Emma Watson going to play in the Beauty and the Beast movie?

Emma Watson will be playing the part of Belle in the upcoming live action version of Beauty and the Beast.

Who would be the protaganist in Beauty and the Beast?

Probably Beauty. Beauty is the name of the heroine in the story and the narrative, while told in third person, follows the actions of this character. She is also the person who saves her father's life by agreeing to live with the Beast. She helps the Beast as well by breaking his curse by falling in love with him.

What is the falling action of the novel black beauty?

when he is treated with cruel behavior

Is Emma Watson Belle in the movie Beauty and the Beast?

Yes, in the 2017 live action remake.

What city was the Beauty and the Beast published Who is the author of the Beauty and the Beast Last date that the Beauty and the Beast was published?


What are all the parallels to Enchanted from Beauty and the Beast?

Both movies depict falling in love with someone when you didn't even realize you were.

Who did bell marry from Beauty and the Beast?

Belle married the Beast at the end of Beauty and the Beast.

When was Beauty of the Beast created?

Beauty of the Beast was created in 2002.

What is friend of beauty starts with B?

Beast. As in Beauty and the Beast.

Is the Beast from Beauty and the Beast both Beauty and the Beast or just the beast?

Both. At the end he turns into a 'beautiful' man. The moral is 'True beauty is on the inside - Not the outside.'