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Q: What is the fear of cemeteries called?
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What is the phobia of cemeteries?

A fear of cemeteries is called Coimetrophobia.

What phobia is the fear of cemeteries?


What does the word 'taphephobia' mean?

Taphephobia - fear of cemeteries

What is coimetrophobia?

Coimetrophobia is a greater than normal fear of cemeteries.

What are places underground called?

They were called the catacombs. They were the cemeteries of the Romans who converted to Christianity.

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What are roman underground burial places called?

They were called the catacombs. They were the cemeteries of the Romans who converted to Christianity.

Are cemeteries real?

Of course cemeteries are real but not spooky cemeteries so don't worry. In real cemeteries are not that scary so just relax.

What are the cemeteries in Mexico?

desribe the cemeteries in Mexico

When did national cemeteries?

National cemeteries began in 1921.

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There is no word for the fear of boogers

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