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a lioness

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Q: What is the female gender of a lion called?
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What is the feminine gender of the word lion?

A female is called a lioness.

What is the gender of the word lion?

A female is called a lioness.

Feminine gender of lion?

The feminine gender of lion is lioness. Lioness is the term used to refer to a female lion.

What is the masculine gender?

Lion. The female gender is lioness.

What is the gender of lioness?

A lion The male is a lion and the female is lioness

What are a male and female lion's names?

Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)

Can a lion be a male and a female lion too?

No. A lion is a male. A lioness is a female lion. Lion is also a name for the whole species. Yes. They're called hermaphrodites, it means they have sex characteristics of both sexes. However, the gender can only be male or female, and can be shown by which behaviors they take on in the pride.

What is the opposite gender of a lion?

The opposite gender of a lion is a lioness. Lions are male, while lionesses are female.

What is opposite gender of lion?

A female lion is called a lioness.

What is the name for a castrated male lion?

A Male lion is simply called a lion.A Female lion is called a lioness.Lions. The females are called lioness'

What are female lions called?

a female lion is called a lioness and a male tiger is called a tiger

What is a plural noun for lioness?

The plural of lion is lions.