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Q: What is the fire inside a hot air balloon called?
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What is used to power a hot air balloon?

There is the fire that changes the density of the inside of the balloon causing it to rise.

Why does hot air balloon need fire so that it can fly?

To produce the 'hot air' that goes inside the balloon to make it fly.

How hot can it get inside a hot air balloon?

It gets super hot in the hot air balloon because of the fire above to make it fly

Why did they call it the hot air balloon?

A hot air balloon is called an hot air balloon because, the inside is heated up to make it less dense, allowing it to rise. Meaning, your heating up the air inside the balloon, hence, the name: Hot air balloon.

Is an air inside a balloon a pure substance?

The air inside a hot air balloon is the same as normal air around the balloon and the air you're breathing, only heated by the flame inside the balloon, hence HOT AIR balloon.

Why is an hot air balloon called a hot air balloon?

Because the fire or heating device heats the air in the top section ( the actual balloon ) and hot air rises... so the hot air trapped in the balloon makes the balloon rise :)

When you heat the air inside a hot air balloon, it rises. Why does this occur?

D: The hot air inside the balloon becomes less dense than the air outside the balloon.

What causes a hot air balloon to rise?

Fire contacting with the air inside the balloon. The heated air within the balloon is less dense than the ambient air surrounding it, therefore for the given volume it is lighter and so rises.

How does a hot air balloon stay up?

it stays up because there is a fire inside of it and the gases from the fire focuses the hot air ballon to stay up

How does the kinetic energy of air inside a balloon to outside air?

the air inside the balloon has more kinetic energy

Does energy from burning of gas in a hot air balloon transfer to the air around it?

The air inside a hot air balloon is heated by burning fuel (usually propane). The air is kept inside the balloon so it doesn't readily mix with the cold air outside the balloon, but there is of course energy transfer from the hot air to the fabric and then to the surrounding colder air. This is why a balloon needs to fire the burner periodically, to reheat the air that has cooled or been lost through venting (to cause the balloon to rotate or fly lower)

Does a hot air balloon have helium inside it?

No, I am sorry, but there is no helium inside a hot-air balloon. Instead, there is hot air.