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It is the first figure that's not a zero. This applies to all numbers.

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8y ago

0.00618 rounded to one significant figure is 0.006

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Q: What is the first significant figure of 0.09378?
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0.027 The first significant figure is the first non-zero digit from the left hand end. So the first two significant figures are 0.026, however, the third significant figure is 7 which is 5 or more, so the 0.026 is rounded up to 0.027.

How do you round 0.00076321 into 3 significant?

Two rules associated with significant figure :-. When rounding off numbers is "If the first figure to be discarded is 5 or more then the previous figure is increased by 1". Zeros must be kept to show the position of the decimal point or to indicate that zero is a significant figure. Then 0.000 must be kept to show the position of the decimal point. 763 are thus the three significant figures and no change is required as the first figure to be discarded is 2 and this is less than 5. The answer to 3 significant figures is 0.000763