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Step 1: Expedite Learning to Assess the Organization and Your Subordinates

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Q: What is the first step in initial assessment of an organization?
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Self-assessment is the first step.

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The first step is the "A" step or Airway. Open the Airway; tip the head and check for breathing.

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The first step in performing an industry analysis to assess the impact of Porter's five forces.

Which step can be used to assist in obtaining an assessment of security risks that the organization may be facing?

Verify any known server vulnerabilities and methods to respond to them.

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Identify all hazards that pose a risk to your community

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Identify all hazards that pose a risk to your community

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designate a site and plan for quarantine.

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What is an initail?

"Initial" means first or beginning. It refers to the first letter of a name or word, or the first step in a process.

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