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Q: What is the flow of tiny particles that carry electrical energy called?
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What is the energy associated with electric current is called?

Moving electrons possess kinetic energy, but the energy you are referring to is called electricity

What is it called when energy is transferred by particles or waves?

If heat is transferred by waves, we call it radiation. If it is transferred by particles in contact it is conduction, and if the particles move to carry the heat it is convection.

When heat energy is transferred by particles or waves what is it called?

If heat is transferred by waves, we call it radiation. If it is transferred by particles in contact it is conduction, and if the particles move to carry the heat it is convection.

What is heat energy called when it is transferred by particles or waves?

If heat is transferred by waves, we call it radiation. If it is transferred by particles in contact it is conduction, and if the particles move to carry the heat it is convection.

What two subatomic particles that carry an electrical charge?

Protons and electrons.

What particles carries no charge?

In the atom neutron hasn't an electrical charge.

What is a nucleus that emits energy and particles spontaneously?

Any radioactive element gives off subatomic particles, and these particles carry considerable energy. That is the definition of radioactivity. Examples of radioactive elements include uranium, plutonium, polonium, radium, and many more.

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What do particles carry that bumps into particles ahead of them and become compressed momentarily?

You are referring to 'compressing waves' which carry energy along the wave, which causes this momentarily compression, the opposite of this is rarefaction, where the particles spread out.

What is the transfer of heat through energy waves called?

Transfer of heat energy through energy waves is called radiation.

Do sound waves carry electrical and magnetic energy?

No. Electromagnetic waves do.

What would a solution need in it in order to carry an electrical current?

It would have to have positive and negatively charged particles.