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In art a composition's focal point is actually called the focal point. There may be multiple focal points, in which case the main one is the focal point and the others are secondary focal points. You can recognize the focal point because it is somehow set apart from the rest of the composition.

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Q: What is the focal point in a composition in art called?
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Yes, all works of art have a focal point. It is up to the viewer to determine where the focal point is located at. Although, the artist generally has an idea to where the focal point is located when creating their piece.

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You want to look for how the different shapes in the art work together. Look at the major lines of movement, the largest shapes, the brightest shapes, the darkest shapes, and think about why they were put there in that way. If you're having trouble, try looking for triangular shapes, artists often use them to divide up paintings or point to a focal element.

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What in art criticism involves listing the things that are presented or actually seen in the work of art?

This step is usually called description, which includes an objective list of the elements of the art, its composition, and its medium.

What is the element which serves as a main idea in an artist composition?

The Elements of Composition in art are used to arrange or organize the components in a way that is pleasing to the artist and, hopefully, the viewer. It helps give structure to the layout and the way the subject is presented. It also encourages or leads the viewer's eye to wander around the whole painting, taking in everything and ultimately coming back to rest on the focal point.A focal point is the element in a painting that pulls in the viewer's eye, that is the center of attention or the main subject. You can emphasize a focal point through the painting's composition, through color, and through the range of tones you use.In Western art they are generally considered to be:Unity: Do all the parts of the composition feel as if they belong together, or does something feel stuck on, awkwardly out of place?Balance: Having a symmetrical arrangement adds a sense of calm, whereas an asymmetrical arrangement creates a sense of unease, imbalance. (See example)Movement: There many ways to give a sense of movement in a painting, such as the arrangement of objects, the position of figures, the flow of a river.Rhythm: In much the same way music does, a piece of art can have a rhythm or underlying beat that leads and paces the eye as you look at it. Look for the large underlying shapes (squares, triangles, etc.) and repeated color.Focus (or Emphasis): The viewer's eye ultimately wants to rest of the "most important" thing or focal point in the painting, otherwise the eye feels lost, wandering around in space.Contrast: Strong differences between light and dark, or minimal, such as Whistler did in his Nocturne series.Pattern: An underlying structure, the basic lines and shapes in the composition.Proportion: How things fit together, big and small, nearby and distant.The Elements of Composition are not the same as the Elements of Art, though composition is one of the latter.