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Q: What is the force exerted per unit area by air particles?
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What does the amount of force exerted on a given area mean?

Force applied on unit area gives pressure. S.I. unit is pascal.

Amount of force exerted per unit?

Per what kind of unit? A common unit is pressure: force per unit area.

What is the force on a surface divided by the area of that surface?

The force that is exerted on a surface divided by the area of the area is pressure. The standard unit of pressure is the Pascal.

Which of the matter has no definite shape or volume?

gas has no definite shape or volume. pressure is the force exerted over a unit of area. gases cause pressure by the particles colliding with the walls of the container.

The amount of force that is exerted in a specified area by air is called?

Pressure is defined as force per unit area.P=F/A

What is the amount of force exerted on a given area divided by the area?

Force exerted on a given area divided by the area would give the pressure or thrust. It is also termed as stress in case of elasticity. Its unit is N/m2 or also known as pascal.

How does increasing the number of particles of a contained gas it's pressure?

Pressure is defined as the force per unit area applied. This force is derived from the collision of particles. Pressure increase when this force is increase, and it applies otherwise too. By increasing the number of particles in a specific amount of gas, there are more particles colliding onto the container. This causes the force per unit exerted by the gas on the container to increase. As such, when one increases the number of particles within a container of gas, the pressure within the container will increase.

What equals force exerted on a surface divided by the total area over which the force is exerted?

That is called pressure. For example, the SI unit for pressure is the Pascal, which is equal to newtons / square meters.

The force on an area from the push of air is called?

The measure of the force exerted by air molecules on a surface per unit area is air pressure.

Why pressure is inversely proportional to volume?

Pressure is given as Force per unit area (ie. 1 Pascal of pressure is the experienced when 1 Newton of force is exerted over an area of 1m^2). Therefore Pressure and Force are proportional to one another. Area the force is exerted over is inversely proportional to pressure.

The measure of force with which the air molecules are pushing on a surface?


What is the force in newtons exerted on a surface measuring 0.25 m2 if the pressure is 101 Pa?

Pressure = Force per unit area = Force/area Therefore the force is equal to the pressure*the area. Force = pressure*area = 101*0.25 = 25.25 Newtons