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Say you are moving an object against the carpet flooring, you are the force and you are causing the object to move as well as you are creating friction between the carpet and the object. The force would be called the netforce, which is all the forces that are acting on an object.

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The force that opposes the frictional force is called the applied force or the external force. When an external force is applied to an object in motion, it can overcome the frictional force and cause the object to move.

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Q: What is the force that opposes frictional force?
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What frictional force?

Frictional force is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces.

Is frictions force?

Frictional force is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces.

What type of force is the force of friction?

Frictional force is a contact force which opposes relative motion.

What determines the size of a frictional force?

The size of a frictional force is determined by the roughness of the surfaces in contact and the normal force pushing them together. The frictional force opposes the motion of the objects and increases with the weight of the objects in contact.

How does the direction of frictional force compare to the direction of an object motion?

The direction of the force of friction is such that it opposes the direction of motion that an object would move if there were no frictional force acting on the object.

What is the sign of the work done by the frictional force?

The work done by the frictional force is negative because the force opposes the direction of motion. This means that the frictional force removes mechanical energy from the system by transforming it into heat, resulting in a decrease in the object's kinetic energy.

Is frictional fource contact or non contact force?

Frictional force is a contact force. It arises between two surfaces in contact with each other and opposes the relative motion or tendency of motion between them.

What is the meaning of frictional force?

Frictional force is the force that opposes the motion of an object when it comes into contact with another surface. It is caused by the interactions between the surface molecules of the two objects rubbing against each other. The magnitude of the frictional force depends on the surfaces involved and the normal force pressing them together.

What force opposes gravity and slows down an object falling through the air?

drag force (frictional force exerted by air) or air reststance

What is the frictional force to slow an object in motion?

kinetic frictional

When you are running on a road you are act Upon by A frictional force of the road. is there another force acting on you?

Yes, in addition to the frictional force of the road, there is the force of gravity acting on you as you run. Gravity pulls you downward towards the Earth's center, while the frictional force opposes the motion between your feet and the road surface.

Why does weight affect frictional force?

Weight affects frictional force because friction is a force that opposes motion and is directly proportional to the normal force acting on the object. The normal force acting on an object is influenced by its weight, so an increase in weight results in a greater normal force and therefore a greater frictional force.