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Q: What is the formula for the percent efficiency of a pulley?
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What is the efficiency of the pulley system in percent?

The efficiency of a pulley system depends on how it is set up. Be specific.

What is the formula to calculate percent efficiency?

(work out/work in) x 100

How do you find the input power in the electric efficiency formula if you have the output power and the efficiency percent?

Output equals efficiency times input; in formula, Ot = Ef x In and so In = Ot/Ef. To calculate the original input, divide the output by the efficiency.

What is the efficiency of a pulley?

i dont know the correct answer

What is the mechanical efficiency of a pulley?

i dont know the correct answer

What is the formula of efficiency?

The formula of efficiency is power output divided by the power input.

What is the formula for pulley?

the frmula for pulley is th weight by its mass

What is the formula for calculating efficiency?

General formula for calculating efficiency is given by Efficiency = (output / input) * 100 It is denoted by greek letter Eta Efficiency cannot be more than 100%.

Does a refrigerator have 100 percent efficiency?

nothing has 100% efficiency.

What machine on earth has the greatest percentage of efficiency?

Perhaps an electrical AC transformer can have 99 percent efficiency. A loudspeaker can have only 1 percent efficiency.

Can any pulley have a efficiency over 100?

No. A perfectly frictionless machine could have an efficiency of 100%. Anything less perfect must have can efficiency less than 100%.

What is the efficiency of the pulley system?

If the pulley is frictionless the angle does not matter, the tension in the rope will be the same on both sides of the pulley. If there is friction in the pulley however then you want to reduce the friction as much as possible. You do that by creating as large an angle between the two ropes as possible.