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Nearly all corals and some other cnidarians are attached and are called sessile .

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Q: What is the free floating body form of cnidarians?
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What is the free-floating body form of a cnidarians?


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The free swimming form of a cnidarians called a polyp?


What is the segmentation for cnidarians?

Cnidarians are segmented into two main classes: Anthozoa (sea anemones and corals) and Medusozoa (jellyfish and hydrozoans), based on their body forms. Anthozoa are generally sedentary, with a polyp body form, while Medusozoa are typically free-swimming with a medusa body form.

Do cnidarians the polyp body type is usually sessile the Medusa body type is free-swimming?

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What are the body parts and functions of Cnidarians?

A Cnidarian is a stinging animal such as a jellyfish or a sea anenome. They have stinging cells that they use predatorially for food. There are two body scructures for cnidarians--polyps and medusas. A polyp is attached to something and does not move, and its mouth is at the top. A medusa is free-swimming, and its mouth is on the bottom.

When was Free Floating created?

Free Floating was created in 2006.

What are the two body forms of cnidarians and make a sketch of each below?

Hydra - the polyp, anchored with a stalk, tentacles up; and medusa, the jellyfish, swimming free, tentacles down. All cnidarians have both stages, like larva and adult, but they spend more time in one of them and are known as that stage, for example anemones and jellyfish. Anemones have a tiny jellyfish dispersal stage, and jellyfish have a tiny polyp reproduction stage.

What are the two body forms of cnidarians?

The two body forms of cnidarians are the polyp and the medusa. Polyps are typically sessile, tube-shaped organisms attached to a substrate, while medusae are free-swimming, umbrella-shaped organisms.

What movement is a balloon?

A balloon in motion is a form of unpowered flight. It is generally free-floating and moves with the wind currents.

What is a Cnidarians diet?

Most are omnivorous. In the polyp stage, they eat free floating marine organisms (plankton), any single cell or small multi-cellular plants and animals, algae, eggs, and juvenile larvae. As adults, most diet on eggs, planulae, small crustaceans, small fish, other jellies, and Ctenophora.

What does free-floating anxiety mean?

Free-floating anxiety-- Anxiety that lacks a definite focus or content.