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The freezing point of water decreases when the number of dissolved molecules (or better particles) in the solvent increases.

This is called freezing point depression and you can easily find the relation between the quantity of particles dissolved and the freezing point on Wikipedia.

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11y ago
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11y ago

The boiling point of water increases on adding impurities because the boiling point of the impurities also adds up to the boiling point of water thus increasing it.

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14y ago

The presence of impurities in water lowers its freezing point if the impurities are dissolved, otherwise not.

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11y ago

cause the impurity will have a differant freezing point

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11y ago

It depends what the impurities are and their concentration.

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11y ago

Dissolved particles (ions, molecueles) will make the melting point somewhat lower and the boiling point higher.

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8y ago

The freezing point decrease in the presence of a solute.

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11y ago

don't no

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Depending on what is in it, the boiling point will either rise or fall.

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To increase MP and BP point of Zinc u should add some impurities in it. The addition of impurities always decreases the melting point .

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Soluble impurities (that is, impurities that are included within the crystal matrix) tend to lower the observed melting point and broaden the melting point range. Insoluble impurities have no effect on the melting point. Found from website:

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It varies. A saturated solution of NaCl in water increases the boiling point, higher than 100oC. I suppose most impurities increase the boiling point.

Is the melting point of impure water lower or higher than freezing point?

The boiling Point of impure water is 100 degrees celsius

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Add impurities (salt and others) to the substance.

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The presence of the impurities will cause the boiling points to rise (also the melting points to fall). When you add the impurities, the substance doesn't remain pure affecting the boiling point to increase because now, more energy is required to boil the liquid with impurities. The melting points fall because impure substances require less energy to separate the particles.

Why does the boiling point of water change when salt is added?

By adding salt it means that you are adding an impurity into the water. Impurities can lower the boiling point, while increasing its melting point.