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Q: What is the friction force that acts on an object moving through air?
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What friction prevents an object from moving when a force is applied?

The friction produced that stops an object moving when force is applied is 'static friction'.

What is the friction that hinders a stationary object from moving on a surface when a force is applied to that object?

Static friction. The frictional force is greater then the force applied, meaning the object can't move.

Force that act on object that are not moving?

Static friction is the force that acts on an object that is not moving. Other kinds of friction include fluid friction and rolling friction.

What friction that prevents an object from moving when force is applied?

Static Friction.

What does moving object mean?

it means an object is moving based on the force of friction and gravity.

Force moving object over a distance?


What force call against moving object?

Friction. Opposing Force

Diference between static and kinetic friction?

the static friction is the force of friction that keep an object at rest from movie and kinetic friction is the force of friction that tries to start a moving object

What means moving?

it means an object is moving based on the force of friction and gravity.

How does friction affect the the motion of objects?

Friction is a force that occurs when two surfaces slide past another. The force of friction opposes the motion of an object, causing moving objects losing energy and slow down. When objects move through a fluid, such as air of water, the fluid exerts a frictional force on a moving object.

When an object is moving faster through a fluid -how does this affect the force of friction?

In a fluid, the force of friction tends to increase when the speed increases. The exact relationship, however, is far from simple.

What is the force that opposes the friction force?

The opposite force to friction is momentum. Because friction stops an object from moving or slows an object down, momentum keeps it at speed.