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Ashish Tiwari

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Q: What is the full form of arr in hotels?
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How do you sort array in php without use of sort function?

$arr=array(2,5,4,6,7,8,1); for($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++) { for($j=$i;$j<count($arr);$j++) { if($arr[$i] > $arr[$j]) { $temp=$arr[$i]; $arr[$i]=$arr[$j]; $arr[$j]=$temp; } } }

Are the expressions 'arr' and ' and arr' are same for an array of integers?

No arr refers to address of array &arr refers address of address of array but compiler treats arr and & arr, so even you place arr and & arr no error only warnings will be displayed.

Are the expressions ARR and and ARR same for char20?

Yes, 'ARR' and 'ARR' are the same for char20. Whatever it means.

What do you mean by array overflow?

for example:int arr[3];arr[0] = 1; /* ok */arr[1] = 2; /* ok */arr[2] = 0; /* ok */arr[3] = -1; /* wrong */arr[-1] = -3; /* wrong */

What are odds of rolling 14 with 4 dice?

ways of getting 14 1,1,6,6 6 arrangements (1,6,1,6; 1,6,6,1; 1,1,6,6; 6,6,1,1; 6,1,6,1; 6,1,1,6) 1,2,5,6 24 arr. 1,3,4,6 24 arr. 1,3,5,5 12 arr. 1,4,4,5 12 arr. 2,2,4,6 12 arr. 2,2,5,5 6 arr. 2,3,3,6 12 arr. 2,3,4,5 24 arr. 2,4,4,4 4 arr. 3,3,3,5 4 arr. 3,3,4,4 6 arr. Total: 146 146*(1/6)4 = 0.1127... so slightly over 1/9

In int arr10 what is the upper bound?

9, the elements are: arr[0], arr[1], ... arr[9]

How are deltas and floodplains similar in development?

They arr both formed by deposition and form near or on a river.

What is hotel arr?

ARR = Average Room Revenue

How ARR calculated?

How to caculated arr at front office

What is decision rule for ARR?

If the calculated ARR is greater that the predetermined ARR then accept the project. otherwise reject the project