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A deflecting mechanism is used to redirect or change the trajectory of an object or a flow of energy. It is commonly used in various applications such as optics, aerospace, and fluid dynamics to control and manipulate the path of particles or light.

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Q: What is the functin of a deflecting mechanism?
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What is the definition of deflecting the truth?

Deflecting the truth means avoiding or redirecting a conversation away from the truth or reality of a situation by providing misleading information, changing the subject, or using other tactics to avoid addressing the issue at hand. It can involve being evasive, deceptive, or manipulative in order to avoid admitting the truth.

What is the function coarse focusing mechanism?

The function of the coarse focusing mechanism is to quickly adjust the distance between the objective lens and the specimen to bring the specimen into rough focus. This mechanism allows for rapid changes in focus in larger increments compared to the fine focusing mechanism. Once the specimen is in rough focus using the coarse focus, the fine focus mechanism is used for precise focusing.

What is the triggering mechanism?

A triggering mechanism is a device or action that initiates a process or event. It can be a specific condition, event, or signal that sets off a response or action. In the context of technology, a triggering mechanism can be a sensor, a command, or a set of conditions that activates a function or program.

What is the primary force that causes an airplane to turn?

The primary force that causes an airplane to turn is the use of ailerons on the wings. By deflecting the ailerons, the pilot can create a difference in lift between the wings, resulting in a turning motion.

What is difference between structure and mechanism?

A structure refers to the arrangement of elements within a system, while a mechanism describes the process or series of steps that lead to a specific outcome. Essentially, structure is the form, whereas mechanism is the function or operation. In other words, structure is the framework, while mechanism is the way things work within that framework.

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To catch sunlight - and thus manufacture sugar for the plant to which its attached.

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tissue? tissue?

What would be the x-intercept for the functin f(x)3x-6?

It is (2, 0).

How did Rutherford know that rays were deflecting back?

His detector screen was movable around the experiment. When he moved it to around his emitter equipment, it detected the rays, showing that some were deflecting back.

Deflecting bullet is called a ricashay?

Yes, and the term is ricochet.

When you write a program for swap two no what is functin declaration?

void funksoin (int *vlau1, int *vula2);

What is the functin of the sphincter?

The sphincter muscle holds the contents of the bowel inside the body until you're ready to release it into a toilet.

What vitimans help with your metabolism?

helps its contracts with the sweat in order or is to put vitiman in the body and irons needed for the body to functin

What do you call a score at cricket by gently pushing or deflecting a cricket-ball?

It is called a "Single".