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Q: What is the function of a positive control in an experiment?
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What is the function of a control in reducing sugar experiment?

The function of a control in any experiment is to give you something to test your results against. If you were to test for reducing sugars by using Benedict's test, not having negative or positive controls, that is tests where you know which is negative and which is positive, then you wouldn't have accurate results to compare to.

What does controlled experiment mean in science terms?

All science experiments are performed in a controlled manner which means, there will be a positive control, a negative control and importantly the subject sample(s) who's behavior is not known. The experimental observation must be positive with the positive control sample and negative with the negative control sample, no matter whatever the condition is. Only in this set up the result of a subject (which is the actual unknown experimental sample) would be considered as a faithful result.Any fault or irregularities of the controls will destroy the authenticity of an experiment.

What is the controlled experiment in a science experiment?

The control in a science experiment is the same thing as a constant. It is something that you keep the same the entire experiment. For example if you were testing how various locations affect temperature your constants would be the thermometer you used and the time for measuring the temperature. If you don't have a constant than your experiment results won't be accurate.

In a scientific experiment what is the definition of a variable?

Pretty much as it is in math, something that is undefined, but in Science it needs to be defined or the experiment cant continue. Your variables are basically what you measure, what you change and your control, both positive and negative (one with a 100% percent positive result and another with a 100% negative result)

Control of ball rebound experiment?

a control is something that stays the same in an experiment

What does control mean in an experiment?

control means to take conrol in a science experiment

A standard of comparison in an experiment is called the?

it is called the control of the experiment

What is the control of a experiment?

The control of an experiment is the part of an experiment that does not change, and is strictly used as a comparison to the variable that is being tested.

The standard for comparison in a experiment?

The standard for comparison in a experiment is known as a control variable. This is useful to any experiment and serves as a reference point used to draw conclusions.

What is the control group and what is it used for?

The control is the part of the experiment where it remains constant, and never changes. The control is used so the changing variable in the experiment can be reflected off of the control, so thereby comparing the changing variable with the control (the variable that does not change) in the experiment. Without the control, the experiment is a waste.

Why is is it important that an experiment include a control group?

a control group assures that an experiment will be repeatable

Why is it important to control an experiment?

The control experiment allows a standard of comparison for the experimental group