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A hemocytometer is a device with a small, precise grid for which the area and depth are known. It is used to count cells, though was originally used for counting blood cells. By counting the number of cells in a given sample space, a generalization can be made about the population, or entire sample.

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11y ago

used to count the number of RBC,WBC and in Sperm count

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Hemocytometer-- An instrument used to count platelets or other blood cells.

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Q: What is the function of hemocytometer in cell count?
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What is hemocytometer?

Hemocytometer-- An instrument used to count platelets or other blood cells.

What is the red blood cell count of a person with 240 red blood cells count in the hemocytometer chamber of erthrocytes per cubic milliliter?

240 multiply by 10,000 = 2400000

How do you enter the formula to count the number of cells with numbers in a range of cells?

You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)You use the COUNT function. Say your range was the cells for A2 to A20. In another cell you would enter the following function:=COUNT(A2:A20)

What is the syntax for a COUNT function?

=COUNT(cells) Cells can be the reference to the cell range you want to count. Say you want to count values in the cells from A2 to V20, then you would do it this way: =COUNT(A2:V20)

What is function of sodium citrate?

to lyes the white blood cell in other way to count rbc

Can Excel count the characters on a spreadsheet?

You can use the LEN function to count characters in a cell. You can also use it to count characters in multiple cells. You need to know how to do array formulas to do that.

What is hemacytometer?

A hemocytometer (or hemacytometer) is a tool used to count cells (red blood cells, sperm, yeast...) under the microscope. It gives the number of cells per volume of fluid.

How do you count the RBC and WBC counting?

counting of Rbc and Wbc is done throug hemocytometer .duilting fluid are needed to destory unwanted things which can confuse us in various ways .

How do you count spaces with the function LEN in Excel?

LEN will count spaces in a cell as well as other characters. So there is no special way needed to count spaces as they will be included. If you are counting what is in cell A3 for example, then you would use the function: =LEN(A3) To count only the spaces in a cell and ignoring other characters, then you could try this approach: =LEN(A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")) It gets the full length and then substracts the length of the text with the spaces removed.

Default number are in a cell?

A cell in a spreadsheet is empty by default, so there is no number in it. If you use a cell that is empty as part of a calculation an empty cell will normally be treated as if there is a zero in it. If you are using the COUNT function or the AVERAGE function, and some other similar ones, the cells are ignored completely.

What does a blank cell in Excel?

A blank cell has nothing in it. It has no text. For numeric purposes it is treated as having the value zero, but it is not counted when using the COUNT function as it does not literally have a value in it.

How do you apply conditional formatting in excel 2003 based on number of characters in a cell?

Use the LEN function to count how many characters are in the cell. If you want to evaluate cell C23, use LEN(C23)=6.