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Q: What is the function of the accounting department on the hotel operation?
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What is hotel accounting department?

The hotel accounting department is in charge of making sure that guests pay their bills to the hotel. They may also be in charge of ensuring paychecks go out on payday.

Functions of accounting department in hotel?

The accounting department in the hotel is responsible for all accounts receivable and accounts payable. They are responsible for balancing the books and making sure everything passes audit.

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The function of a sales department in a hotel is to attract or get business for the hotel. Sales managers often specialize in conventions, tours, or corporate accounts for the hotel.

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What is department accounts?

The hotel accounting department is in charge of making sure that guests pay their bills to the hotel. They may also be in charge of ensuring paychecks go out on payday.

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Finance department function in hotel?

prepare a budget

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Banquet Department is responsible in making banquet services.

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security department is responcible for security of the in houseguest and staff

Functions of food and beverage department in hotel?

The Food and Beverage ("F&B") department in a hotel is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the dining rooms, restaurants. room service (if available), and the needs of any other function such as a meeting or party that might desire food and beverages. And also 'Jack of revenue' in a hotel.

What is the function of Food and Beverage department function in hotel?

The function of Food and Beverage in a hotel, is to provide food and drinks, such as the bar, restaurant and room service.