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Bone is a composite material, like fiberglass (something hard [and thus brittle] in a matrix of a more flexible substance.

In fiberglass the glass makes the (fishing rod) strong, the plastic makes it tough.

In bone, the calcium salts make it strong and hard, the connective tissue makes it tough.

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9h ago

Calcium salts, such as hydroxyapatite, provide strength and rigidity to the long bones, making them hard and able to withstand mechanical stress. They also play a crucial role in mineral storage and release, helping to maintain proper levels of calcium in the body.

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Q: What is the function of the calcium salts in the long bone?
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The skeletal system is a major repository of calcium.

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It will turn black and yes it will dissolve the calcium it might also bend to provr that if u drink it it makes your bones weaker......

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Caterpillars do. They crawl inside you and chew on your bones, so some done overgrow!

Does a lack of calcium cause bone disease?

The question as to whether a lack of calcium causes bone disease is still up for debate. For as long as I can remember the experts have been encouraging us all to take calcium suppliments, as well as drinking more milk & eating our broccoli, but recently new studies have shown that there is very little connection between bone disease and a lack of calcium intake. I say, keep drinking your milk & eating your veggies, but perhaps skip the expensive suppliments until more studies are done.