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the funtions of lips in science is to talk sing

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1mo ago

In science, the main functions of the lips are to help with speech articulation, assist in eating and drinking by aiding in the manipulation of food and liquids, and protect the mouth from external elements like dirt and microbes. Additionally, the lips contain a high concentration of nerve endings that contribute to sensations of touch and temperature perception.

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Does Chapstick work?

Yes, Chapstick functions as a hydrating balm to alleviate dry and chapped lips by providing moisture and protecting them from external factors. Its effectiveness may vary based on individual preferences and the severity of the dryness.

Why does salt make my lips burn on fire?

Salt can cause a burning sensation on the lips when it comes in contact with any small cuts or cracks you may have on your lips. This burning feeling is due to the salt irritating the open wounds, leading to discomfort. It's always best to avoid salty foods or rinse your lips with water if you experience this sensation.

Can ice reduce size of lips?

Applying ice to the lips can temporarily reduce swelling and inflammation, which may make the lips appear slightly smaller. However, the effect is usually temporary and the lips will return to their normal size once the ice is removed. It's important to be cautious when applying ice directly to the skin to avoid potential damage.

How do brass players make their sound?

Brass players make sound by buzzing their lips into a mouthpiece attached to the instrument. The vibration of the lips creates sound waves that resonate through the instrument, producing a rich tone. By changing the tension and speed of their buzzing lips, players can produce different pitches and dynamics.

Can you lighten lips with pure honey only?

Pure honey can help moisturize and brighten lips due to its natural humectant properties. However, it may not significantly lighten lips as it lacks specific lightening ingredients. Regularly using honey as a lip treatment may improve the overall appearance and health of the lips, but for noticeable lightening, other skin-lightening agents may be needed.

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Functions of studying political science?

The functions of political science include striving to create an ideal government. It also functions as the study of and application of theories and observations.

Who is the red lips in the rocky horror glee show?

Santana's lips are used in the opening number of 'Science Fiction Double Feature'

Is your lips an organ?

Yes, the lips are considered to be an organ. They are made up of muscle tissue and serve various functions such as articulating speech, sensing texture and temperature, and aiding in food consumption.

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What do the lips do?

Lips are used for eating functions, like holding food. In addition, lips serve to close the mouth airtight shut, to hold food and drink inside, and to keep out unwanted objects. Through making a narrow funnel with the lips, the mouth can suck fluids.

What functions can science serve that religion cannot?

Science can tell us how things really happened.

How does science tie in the concepts of math?

Most of the laws of science can be represented by mathematical equations or functions.

What muscle puckers the lips?

The orbicularis oris muscle is responsible for puckering the lips. It is a circular muscle that surrounds the mouth and is important for functions such as kissing, whistling, and forming words during speech.

What are the functions of computer science education?

to look for the different material

What are the 5 root functions of science and technology?

i dont know!

Is mucosal and submucosal tissue of the lips and cheeks included in the oral cavity?

Yes, mucosal and submucosal tissue of the lips and cheeks are part of the oral cavity. They line the inner surfaces of the lips and cheeks and are essential for functions like speaking, eating, and maintaining oral health.

What is the tissue called behind your lips?

The tissue behind your lips is called the oral mucosa, which is a specialized type of mucous membrane that lines the inside of the mouth. It is important for protecting the underlying structures of the oral cavity and plays a role in functions such as sensation and taste.