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They are Carbon-dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide

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It is carbon dioxide.

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Q: What is the gas that bubbles through limewater?
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Why do bubbles come out when you mix carbon dioxide and limewater?

Whenever there is a gas present you will see bubbles the limewater test is to see if there is carbon dioxide present

What is the property of a limewater?

Limewater turns milky when CO2 gas is passed through it.

What is the test for dioxide?

Bubbling through limewater. The gas is present if the limewater turns cloudy :)

What happens to the limewater if the gas is present?

I expect you are asking what happens if carbon dioxide is bubbled through limewater. The limewater will become cloudy.

When solution x is added to calcuim carbonate bubbles of gas can be seen. The lime-water becomes chalky when this gas is bubbled through it. Can you deduce what x is?

X is an acid. The acid reacts with Calcium Carbonate producing carbon dioxide. When this is bubbled through limewater, it produces a fine calcium carbonate precipitate giving a milky appearance to the limewater.

What gas identified by bubbling it through lime water?

According to scientists, the type of gas that is identified when it bubbles in limewater is carbon dioxide because the solution turns cloudy in water.

Why is the presence of oxygen determined by passing it through lime water?

It isn't. Bubbling gas through limewater is a test for the presence of carbon dioxide. If the gas contains carbon dioxide, then the clear solution of limewater will turn a cloudy white.

What happens when marble is put into vinegar?

The carbonates in marble will react with the acid in vinegar in the reaction: acid + carbonate = water + salt + carbon dioxide. Thus, the volume of vinegar will decrease, the volume of the marble will also decrease, a salt will be produced, and effervescence occurs (bubbles are formed). To test the gas in the bubbles produced, pass it through aqueous calcium hydroxide (limewater). A white precipitate will be formed in the limewater shortly.

When does limewater fizz?

Limewater fizzes when blown into through a straw.

What is the test for carbon dioxide?

to test for carbon dioxide is already dissolved in limewater , after this shake up the test tube , is it be that carbondioxide is present then two things will happen : 1) the limewater will turn cloudy as co2 is a precipatate is this solution 2)the limewater will begin to show efferevescence now we know gas is present if these two thing happen then there is an extremly high chance that co2 is present.

Can carbon dioxide effect the gas of limewater?

the limewater should go cloudy! i'm not 100percent sure

When hydrochloric acid is mixed together with an unidentified metal WHICH metal has these listed reactions?

This was part of the question! Oops! :) reactions: vigorous fizzing, gas collected, when bubbled through limewater, limewater turned cloudy! Thank you!