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Kingdom of Cush also spelled Kush

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the Kingdom of Cush

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Q: What is the greatest civilization of Africa's interior?
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Who built the greatest ancient civilization in Africa's interior?


What The greatest ancient civilization of Africa and interior?

Boke kingdom

What does Mandela believe is South Africas greatest resource?

Mandela believes that the people is south-Africa's greatest resource. peace!!! also

Why is it impossible for ships to sail all the way from africas interior to the sea?

No African Rivers continue from the mainland to the oceans

What are Africas customs?

africas customs are africas customs

Why is it impossible for ships to sail from africas interior to the sea?

Firstly, there aren't all that many navigable rivers running to the sea from Africa's interior, and secondly, most of these rivers have rapids and waterfalls.

Who was the name of the greatest city of the Aztec civilization?

Tenochtitlan was the name of the greatest city of the Aztec civilization. -- Hope I helped.

Who was Africas greatest explorer?

David Livingstone, because of what he did and what he found like... LAKE VICTORIA and VICTORIA FALLS. It makes perfect sense that David Livingstone is Africa's greatest explorer

What was the greatest pre-columbian civilization that lived in the valley of Mexico?

The Aztec civilization.

Which civilization had the greatest impact on Aztec culture?

Before the Spanish, who eventually destroyed the Aztecs, the Mesoamerican civilization with the greatest impact upon them where the Teotihuacans.

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