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It depends on the degree of rounding.

To the nearest integer, there is none.

Otherwise 999.

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Q: What is the greatest three-digit number that rounds to 1000?
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What is the greatest 4 digit number that rounds up to 1000?

Rounding up implies the number is smaller than 1000. However, a number smaller than 1000 cannot be a 4-digit number. So there cannot be such a number. What was said is wrong. The greatest 4 digit number that rounds up is 999.9

What is the greatest whole number between 100 and 1000 that rounds down to the hundred below it?

949, which rounds down to 900.

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The answer depends on the degree of rounding: to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 5000?

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What is the Smallest number that rounds off to 1000?

To the nearest 1000 it is 500.

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How do you round to the thousands by using a three digit number?

Any number 499 or less rounds to zero. Any number 500 or greater rounds to 1000.

What is the least whole number between 100 and 1000 that rounds down to the number below it?

It depends on what you are rounding to.

What number can you round to1000 and 800 and 700 in the thousands hundreds and tens?

950 - 999 rounds to 1000; 750 - 799 rounds 800; and 650 - 699 rounds to 700

When rounding to the nearest thousand what is the greatest number that rounds to 5000?

Half of 1000 is 500, so numbers in the range 5000 ± 500 round to 5000 to the nearest 1000 EXCEPT that numbers exactly half way round up. ie numbers greater than or equal to 5000 - 500 = 4500 and less than 5000 + 500 = 5500 will round to 5000 to the nearest 1000. So the largest whole number that rounds to 5000 to the nearest 1000 is 5500 - 1 = 5499.