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a fruit bats habitat is humid &in dense forest areas. (i hope this helps i am 10 and doing a report on fruit bats!! ,thanks for asking

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Q: What is the habitat for fruit bat?
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Do animal bats sweet?

Fruit bats are small flying mammals. The fruit bat prefers to eat the sweet nectar from flower blossoms, and fruits in its habitat.

What eats a fruit bat?

A owl can eat a Fruit bat or any kind of bat.

What is the most colorful fruit bat?

Fluffy fruit bat

What class is fruit bat in?

A fruit bat belongs to the mammal class in the animal kingdom.

How many fruit bat species are there?

There are a186 total extant species, which include such species as the Nendo tube-nosed fruit bat, the Borneo fruit bat and Salim Ali's fruit bat.

Is a fruit bat a carnivore herbivore or omnivore?

A fruit bat is an omnivore.

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When was Zenker's Fruit Bat created?

Zenker's Fruit Bat was created in 1894.

When was Seychelles fruit bat created?

Seychelles fruit bat was created in 1792.

When was Luzon Fruit Bat created?

Luzon Fruit Bat was created in 1969.

When was D'Anchieta's Fruit Bat created?

D'Anchieta's Fruit Bat was created in 1900.

When was Pygmy Fruit Bat created?

Pygmy Fruit Bat was created in 1923.