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The Ecuadorian hillstar, the world's highest altitude hummingbird, copes with low air density by perching instead of hovering when it feeds. At the season-less Equator, food is available year-round, supporting an incredible diversity of plants and animals. On the lower slopes of the volcanoes, tiny tropical hummingbirds have a sugar-fuelled lifestyle, feeding on bromeliad nectar in lush, wet low paramo and cloud fore

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Q: What is the highest altitude that hummingbirds fly?
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Can hummingbirds fly?

^^^^ yes ^^^^

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Both are birds, however penguins fly in water while hummingbirds fly in air. Penguins live on fish while hummingbirds live on nectar.

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They fly away...

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They can fly backwards.

What can hummingbirds do that most other birds cant?

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Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.