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The shuttle carries passengers (pilots and other astronauts) and therefore its acceleration is kept around 3g so as not to cause undue stress to those on board.

The shuttle reaches a speed of approx 17,500 mphin order to attain low earth orbit, it uses its solid fuel rocket booster to achieve this. The shuttles theoretical top speed is higher at around 22,000 mph.

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time, as it is a vector it needs to be expressed in terms of magnitude and direction. Acceleration occurs when speed increases, when speed decreases and/or when the direction of motion changes. g is commonly used to as a measure of acceleration. The SI unit for acceleration is metres per second squared.

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Q: What is the highest rate of acceleration of the space shuttle?
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How long does it take the space shuttle to reach outer space from launch?

It takes about 8 minutes from launch for the shuttle to reach space. How is that for speed? Once in space, the space shuttle and the International Space Station orbit the Earth about 16 times a day. They are actually traveling faster than a bullet! That fast rate of speed along with Earth's gravity keep them in orbit around our planet

Explain why a space shuttle will stay in in orbit around the earth and will not fall to the earth?

The space shuttle is traveling at a speed such that its fall to earth matches the curvature of the earth. As a result, it is "falling" to the earth at the same rate that the earth's surface is rotating away, so it stays in orbit.

What speed does the space shuttle have to reach to escape earths gravity?

17,500 miles per hour puts the shuttle in orbit. BUT the gravity is still there. I'm fact there is about 90% of the gravity while the shuttle is on the ground. That great rate of speed is required to keep the shuttle from falling back to earth. At that speed the shuttle is basically falling around the planet.

What is the rate of acceleration of the Universe?

The Universe is in equilibrium or bounded and the acceleration is zero.

Does gravity effect astronauts in space shuttle?

Yes, it affects all objects in space (and all objects have a gravity of their own, that grows with size/"weight"). The reason why people talk about "zero gravity" in the space station and shuttle is because both the shuttle and the people inside it are affected by the same amount of gravity, so relatively they are falling at the same rate. Hence people inside the shuttle will not be moving towards the edge of the shuttle due to gravity. Take a football (the shuttle) and a tennis ball (some people) and hold them at the same distance from the ground and then release them (withuot adding any force, just let go). You will see that both objects will be affected by gravity, but relatively the tennis ball and the football are moving at the same speed. Now imagine that the tennis ball was inside the football and voilá, you have the shuttle scenario. Obviously the space shuttle is not falling directly towards the earth, it is actually "falling past it" - something that scientists call "orbit".

Related questions

Is it possible that acceleration at an instant does not depends upon its velocity at that instant?

Acceleration never depends on the instantaneous velocity.Acceleration is the rate at which velocity is changing, and the direction of the change.A car leaving a STOP sign at a neighborhood intersection, and the Space Shuttle in theprocess of a delicate orbital maneuver to link up with the International Space Station,could very well have the same acceleration.

How long does it take the space shuttle to reach outer space from launch?

It takes about 8 minutes from launch for the shuttle to reach space. How is that for speed? Once in space, the space shuttle and the International Space Station orbit the Earth about 16 times a day. They are actually traveling faster than a bullet! That fast rate of speed along with Earth's gravity keep them in orbit around our planet

When using newtons second law of motion why does a space shuttle remain in orbit?

His 2nd Law basically states that (in an inertial reference frame) Force equals mass times acceleration AND an object in motion in a particular direction will keep going in that direction unless a force is acted upon the object. Because the force of gravity is pulling the space shuttle toward the earth with a constant force and the space shuttle is moving with a certain TANGENTAL velocity, the shuttle stays in orbit. It basically has to do with centrifugal force outward and gravity inward being in balance.

What is the acceleration at highest pointn when ball is thrown straight up?

The acceleration is the acceleration of gravity, downwards, or 9.8m/s/s (32 ft/s/s). When ball is thrown straight up it has an initial velocity that is decreasing because of gravity; at the highest point velocity is zero but acceleration is always constant at gravity rate.

Acceleration is the rate at which happens?

acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.

What is the rate at which an object velocity changes?


Explain why a space shuttle will stay in in orbit around the earth and will not fall to the earth?

The space shuttle is traveling at a speed such that its fall to earth matches the curvature of the earth. As a result, it is "falling" to the earth at the same rate that the earth's surface is rotating away, so it stays in orbit.

What speed does the space shuttle have to reach to escape earths gravity?

17,500 miles per hour puts the shuttle in orbit. BUT the gravity is still there. I'm fact there is about 90% of the gravity while the shuttle is on the ground. That great rate of speed is required to keep the shuttle from falling back to earth. At that speed the shuttle is basically falling around the planet.

What is the rate change in velocity?

The rate of change in velocity is known as acceleration.

What is the rate at which speed or direction changes?


Definition of acceleration?

increase rate in speed of acceleration

How is veolcity and acceleration related?

Velocity is the rate of progress, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity.Hope this helps.