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Q: What is the hink-pink for a carrot top?
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Related questions

What is the top end of the end of the carrot?

The green part at the top end of a carrot is called carrot greens or the carrot top. Despite these being constantly discarded, they are edible grasses.

What is Carrot Top's birthday?

Carrot Top was born on February 25, 1965.

When was Carrot Top born?

Carrot Top was born on February 25, 1965.

Is the comedian known as Carrot Top deceased?

Carrot Top is still alive.

Where was Carrot Top born?

Carrot Top was born in Rockledge, Florida, United States.

How much does carrot top make?

Carrot top makes A LOT of money. Plenty actually.

Who when and where were carrots discovered?

Carrot top 1984 in carrot villa

What is the green part on the top of the carrot?

The green part on top of the carrot is referred to as carrot greens, which are edible. Carrot greens are coarse and grainy when eaten raw, and compare to celery. Some think they are too stringy to use, and have a bitter taste with a bit of sweetness. They are thought to have about the same nutritional value as the carrot root.

Who is Carrot Top married to?

Billy top

How old is Carrot Top?

Carrot Top's height is 5 ft 10 in (178 cm)

Is Carrot Top married?


What is the middle piece of a carrot?

The middle of a carrot going from top to bottom is the core.