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Others claim that the state devoloped naturally and gradually out of early family. They hold that the primitive family, of which the fatheras the head of the family and thus the "government", was the first stage in human political devolpment. Over countless years the original family became a network of closely related fam8ilies- a clan. In time the clan became a tribe. When the tribe first turned to settled agriculture- when it gave up its nomadic ways and first tied itself to the land- the state was born.

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Q: What is the idea of the Evolution theory of the government?
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They do not belive in the theory of evolution beacuse it contradicts the bible's idea that the human race was created in 6 days.

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The theory of evolution was presented by Charles Darwin in his book "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859. Darwin proposed that species evolve over time through natural selection, which is now widely accepted as the mechanism for how species change and adapt to their environment.

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Which theory about the origins of government holds that governments was created as an extension of family ties?

It is not Evolution Theory it's contract theory

How is the idea of evolution a threat to scientific progress?

The idea of evolution is that evolution is a fact and the theory of evolution by natural selection explains much about the fact of evolution. Your question is ill posed. A more modern phrase would say your question is malformed. How could the fact of evolution be a threat to anything? How could the theory that is the backbone of biology not be one of the greatest progressions in science? Much confusion between fact and theory. Theory explains fact and encompasses fact and is a higher scientific concept than fact.

Who proposed the idea of the theory of evolution?

The idea of evolution was thought of long before Darwin, by a man named Count Buffon. What Charles Darwin did was to successfully come up with the mechanism of evolution, known as natural selection.

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The main idea of the pluralist theory is defined by who is running the government. Pluralist theory says that a group of people run the government instead of just one person.

What theory promotes the idea that ''only the strongest living organisms that can adapt to its surroundings'' survive?

The Theory of Evolution promotes the idea that the strongest living organisms adapt to their surroundings and survive.