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It means you are not being sincere. The equivalent in old Western movies was when the Indian said, "White man speaks with forked tongue."

It means distorting truth.Saying one thing without intention or means of doing it..

Example:Political promises.Lying.

Say things which aren't true and things which are contradictory

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Q: What is the implied meaning for talk out of both sides of your mouth?
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Talk out of both sides of your mouth?

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What is the implied meaning of talking out of both sides of your mouth?

It means you are not being sincere. The equivalent in old Western movies was when the Indian said, "White man speaks with forked tongue."It means distorting truth.Saying one thing without intention or means of doing it..Example:Political promises.Lying.Say things which aren't true and things which are contradictory

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What is the problem with your mouth you have a white line inside your cheeks on both sides What does that mean?

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