

What is the importance of Reproduction?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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1. To create next generation. Unique property of a particular organism is transferred from one

generation to the next generation through genes, which are situated in the DNA

(Deoxyribonucleic Acid).

2. During Meiosis number of chromosomes become half of that in the parent cells. As a result

when both male and female gametes fuse to form zygote, the number of chromosomes

becomes adequate for the species involved.

3. Every animal cell has fixed number of chromosomes. Human cell contain 23 pairs or 46

chromosomes. After meiosis egg and sperm cells contain 23 chromosomes. After zygote

formation the number of chromosomes is once again 23 pairs. This is necessary to

maintain the unique identity of a species.

4. To create variations in species. As no two individuals are same, so genetic characters from

both parents will help make a slightly different copy of themselves. These small variations

accumulate over hundreds of years resulting in formation of new species.

5. New species facilitate evolution of organisms. Evolution is necessary for survival as

environmental conditions keep on changing from time to time. As per Darwin nature has a

method of selecting the best fit species for survival

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