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The hydrosphere describes the combined mass of water found on, under, and over the earth. It is important because water, in all forms, is accessible for the economic needs and vital for ecosystems.

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4d ago

The hydrosphere is crucial for supporting life on Earth as it includes all the water on and below the surface. It plays a key role in regulating climate, distributing nutrients, and sustaining ecosystems. Additionally, it is a vital resource for human activities such as agriculture, industry, and recreation.

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6y ago

The hydrosphere is Earth's water. Life on Earth cannot exist without water.

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Why do you need the hydrosphere?

The question is irrelevant, the hydrosphere is there whether you need it or not. Without the hydrosphere there would be no life on Earth.

Does glaciers come from hydrosphere?

Yes, glaciers form from the hydrosphere through the accumulation and compaction of snow over many years. As snow accumulates, it compresses into ice, eventually forming glaciers.

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What are the importance of enumeration?

The major importance of the hydrosphere is that water sustains various life forms and plays an important role in ecosystems and regulating the atmosphere. ... It involves saltwater, freshwater, and frozen water along with groundwater and water in the lower levels of the atmosphere.

What is the hydrosphere predominantly made out of?

The hydrosphere is predominantly made out of water, primarily in the form of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. Water molecules, composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, make up the vast majority of the hydrosphere.

Can mammals live in the hydrosphere?

Marine mammals live in the hydrosphere.

What does the word hydrosphere mean?

The hydrosphere refers to all the water on Earth, including water in oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, and underground water sources. It plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate and supporting various ecosystems.

Does earth's moon have a hydrosphere?

Yes, earth's moon has a hydrosphere.

What are some problems related to the hydrosphere?

the people are polluting the hydrosphere.

What are The spheres that only earth has?

The Earth is the only planet known to have liquid water on its surface, which is essential for supporting life as we know it. Earth also has a unique atmosphere that contains the right mix of gases to sustain life and protect us from harmful cosmic radiation. Additionally, Earth's magnetic field helps shield the planet from solar wind and cosmic rays, making it a hospitable place for life to thrive.