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Q: What is the importance of scientific process?
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What is the importance of scientific method and process in your daily life?

the importance of the scientific method is simple.So, it is easier for scientist to conduct an experiment. the scientific method is used by scientists to answer questions and/or solve problems ! Hope it Helped! Me: And im hoping futting my foot down your mouth helped too. :D

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The importance of the writing process is that it is a step by step process to make you a great writer.

What process do scientist use to think about and explore the natural world?

The scientific process

How does the scientific process begin?

i dont know you tell me scientific process begins with Observation and investigation .

What is that Systematic process for answering scientific questions?

A systematic process for answering scientific questions is called

What is the main function i f the scientific process?

The function of the scientific process, also called the scientific method, is to answer questions based on experimentation and evidence.

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Scientific Method

How does scientific process generally begin?

i dont know you tell me scientific process begins with Observation and investigation .

What is the scientific importance of the GPS?

Accurate measurement of the earth in 3D.