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Q: What is the invention date of abacus?
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In what part of Europe did the Abacus originate?

The abacus was not a European invention. Such devices were invented in China, about 5000 years ago.

What was the first invention used for counting?

The Abacus. Wanna know what that is ? Google it.

What modern electronic invention replaced the abacus and slide rule?

The electronic calculator.

What modern invention replaced the abacus?

The calculator is the modern invention that replaced the abacus. Calculators are electronic devices that can perform mathematical calculations quickly and accurately, making them more efficient and user-friendly than traditional abacuses.

Why abacus considered as first recording adding machine?

The abacus is considered the first adding machine because it was the first tool that was used to add with. There were not any counting devices until the invention of the abacus in 3000 BC.

What were the two invention that came from Asia that changed the warfare in western Europe?

gunpowder and the abacus.

Which Chinese accomplishment made addition subtraction multication and division faster and easier?

The invention of the abacus.

Chinese invention of the first manual calculator?

The Chinese invention that was the first calculator was called an abacus. It was invented sometime between 2700 and 2300 BC.

What were the calculating devices before the invention of computer?

The earliest recorded calculating device is the abacus. Used as a simple computing device for performing arithmetic, the abacus most likely appeared first in Babylonia (now Iraq) over 5000 years ago.

When was the abucas invented?

The abacus is an ancient counting tool that is believed to have been invented around 2,500 BCE in Mesopotamia. However, variations of the abacus have been used in different cultures throughout history, so it is difficult to pinpoint an exact date for its invention.

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What modern day invention do people use to add subtract multiply and divide?

It's an abacus. It costs only five squirrel skins!