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The ionic equation for the reaction between nitric acid (HNO3) and iron (Fe) is:

3H+ + Fe -> Fe3+ + 3/2H2

This equation represents the dissociation of nitric acid into H+ ions and the oxidation of iron to Fe3+ ions.

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Q: What is the ionic equation for nitric acid and iron?
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What is the reaction of iron with dilute nitric acid concentrated nitric acid and very dilute nitric acid?

Iron reacts with dilute nitric acid to produce nitric oxide gas, iron(II) nitrate, and water. In concentrated nitric acid, iron reacts to form iron(III) nitrate, nitrogen dioxide gas, and water. In very dilute nitric acid, the reaction between iron and nitric acid is slow and may not be easily observable due to the low concentration of nitric acid.

Why iron does not react with nitric acid?

Iron does not react with nitric acid because nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent that forms a protective oxide layer on the surface of iron, preventing further reaction. This oxide layer acts as a barrier, blocking the acid from reaching the iron underneath, thereby preventing the reaction to occur.

What do you get when you add iron filings to nitric acid?

When you add iron filings to nitric acid, you will observe a chemical reaction where the iron reacts with the nitric acid to produce iron nitrate and release nitrogen dioxide gas. It's a redox reaction in which the iron is oxidized and the nitric acid is reduced.

Why iron is passive towards concentrated nitric acid?

Iron forms a protective oxide layer on its surface when exposed to air, which prevents further reaction with concentrated nitric acid. The oxide layer acts as a barrier, preventing the acid from coming into contact with the underlying iron metal, thereby making iron passive towards concentrated nitric acid.

What happens when you adda nitric acid to iron?

When nitric acid reacts with iron, it produces nitric oxide gas, iron(II) nitrate, and water. The reaction is exothermic and may produce heat or gas. It is important to perform this reaction in a well-ventilated area because nitric oxide gas can be toxic.

Does iron reacts with concentrated nitric acid?

Iron reacts with concentrated nitric acid to form iron(III) nitrate, nitrogen dioxide gas, and water. This reaction is often vigorous and exothermic, producing a reddish-brown gas (NO2) due to the oxidation of nitrogen in the nitric acid.