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Electrons moving, basically.

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Electricity is like magic that makes things work by traveling through wires and powering devices like lights, TVs, and toys.

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Q: What is the kids definition of electricity?
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Do ions attract electricity?

Ions themselves do not attract electricity, but they can conduct electricity because of their positive or negative charges. When ions are present in a substance, they can facilitate the flow of electricity by carrying the charge through the material. This conductivity allows for the movement of electrons, which is associated with the flow of electricity.

What is the definition for electricity form?

Electricity is a form of energy resulting from the presence of charged particles, such as electrons or protons. It can flow through conductors and produce light, heat, or electromagnetic fields, powering various devices and systems. In essence, it is the movement of these charged particles in a circuit.

What can electric pass through?

As unsatisfying as I'm sure you'll find this, that depends on your definition of "electricity." If you mean electricity in the most conventional sense of an electrical current, electricity can move through any medium in which charge carrying quantons (protons, elecrtons, etc) can move at least somewhat freely.

What is the science definition Conductor?

A conductor is a material that allows the flow of electricity or heat through it easily due to its high number of free electrons. In terms of electricity, conductors have low resistance and are used in most electrical wiring. Examples include metals like copper and aluminum.

How are electrons involved in conducting heat or electricity?

In conducting heat, electrons transfer energy by colliding with each other and with the lattice structure of the material. This movement of electrons carries heat energy through the material. In conducting electricity, electrons are able to move freely within the material's structure, creating an electric current as they flow from an area of high potential energy to an area of low potential energy.

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The definition of neutral means the object has no charge.

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What is the kid definition for electricity?

Electricity is a source that is used to power many things.

Can electricity flow through insulators?

No. Insulators by definition don't conduct electricity.

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What is the definition of electrocution?

Electrocution is to be killed by electricity.

What does cogeneration mean definition?

The definition of the word 'cogeneration' means that electricity is produced from either an engine or power station and that the electricity is turned into useful heat.

Static electricity definition?

The electricity generated when there is an imbalance between two different charges.

What is the definition of eletrical thermometer?

This thermometer is run by electricity.

What is the common definition of electricity?

Is a flow of electric charge

What did Charles Dufay' s definition about electriCity?
