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that depends on the type and family tree its from. it could take from 10 seconds to 1 week or even a month. tell me what type and ill be more specific.

but to be safe wait a week or dont, just tell me the type
u could die, or get really ill, the bacteria could transform into something else if u dont do it right. so if ur not skilled. dont do it

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9mo ago

The kill time of alcohol antiseptics can vary depending on the specific product and concentration. Generally, it takes about 30 seconds to 1 minute for alcohol antiseptics to effectively kill most microorganisms. It is important to allow sufficient drying time after applying the antiseptic before inserting a needle, typically around 30 seconds. This helps ensure that any living bacteria on the skin surface are eliminated, reducing the risk of introducing them into the body.

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Q: What is the kill time of alcohol antiseptics that kill microorganisms and how long should you wait before so that living bacteria are not carried into the body upon insertion of the needle?
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What are antiseptics made up of?

Antiseptics are typically made up of various chemicals or natural substances, such as alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, or chlorhexidine. These ingredients work to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms on the skin or in wounds, helping to prevent infection.

Can only yeast produces alcohol as a fermentation product?

No, other microorganisms like bacteria and fungi can also produce alcohol as a fermentation product. Examples include certain species of bacteria like Zymomonas and fungi like Aspergillus.

Is ethyl alcohol better antibacterial than isopropyl alcohol?

Both ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) are effective as antibacterial agents. The effectiveness of each alcohol depends on the concentration used and the specific type of bacteria being targeted. Overall, they are both commonly used as effective disinfectants and antiseptics.

What is the best bacteria killer?

Antibiotics are typically the most effective at killing bacteria. However, it's important to use them only when prescribed by a healthcare professional to avoid antibiotic resistance. Other options like disinfectants, antiseptics, and sterilization techniques are also effective in killing bacteria in specific settings.

When does fermentation involve the breakdown of sugar?

Fermentation involves the breakdown of sugar when microorganisms such as yeast or bacteria consume sugar as an energy source in the absence of oxygen. This process converts the sugar into alcohol or acids, producing energy for the microorganisms to grow and carry out other metabolic functions.

Related questions

How do antiseptics work?

Antiseptics, such as alcohol, don't actually kill bacteria but usually prevent them from growing/reproducing. They change the environment and reduce the "food" supply. Other antiseptics can destroy bacteria by attacking their cell membrane.

What kills infective bacteria outside the body?

Infective bacteria outside the body can be killed by disinfectants such as bleach, rubbing alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide. Heat, UV light, and certain antimicrobial agents can also be effective in killing bacteria.

What are antiseptics made up of?

Antiseptics are typically made up of various chemicals or natural substances, such as alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, or chlorhexidine. These ingredients work to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms on the skin or in wounds, helping to prevent infection.

How do heat and alcohol disinfect surfaces?

Heat can kill microorganisms by denaturing their proteins and disrupting their cell membranes. Alcohol works by denaturing proteins and disrupting cell membranes as well, leading to the death of microorganisms. Both heat and alcohol are effective at disinfecting surfaces by killing a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Can only yeast produces alcohol as a fermentation product?

No, other microorganisms like bacteria and fungi can also produce alcohol as a fermentation product. Examples include certain species of bacteria like Zymomonas and fungi like Aspergillus.

What are some common antiseptics?

alcohol, iodine, hydrogine poroxide

Is ethyl alcohol better antibacterial than isopropyl alcohol?

Both ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) are effective as antibacterial agents. The effectiveness of each alcohol depends on the concentration used and the specific type of bacteria being targeted. Overall, they are both commonly used as effective disinfectants and antiseptics.

What is the best bacteria killer?

Antibiotics are typically the most effective at killing bacteria. However, it's important to use them only when prescribed by a healthcare professional to avoid antibiotic resistance. Other options like disinfectants, antiseptics, and sterilization techniques are also effective in killing bacteria in specific settings.

What are some names of microorganisms?

Some common names of microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and algae. These microorganisms play important roles in various ecosystems and processes such as nutrient cycling and decomposition.

What are common antiseptics for skin cleaning?

Commonly used antiseptics for skin cleaning include benzalkonium chloride, chlorhexidine, hexachlorophine, iodine compounds, mercury compounds, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide.

Does hand sanitizer really kills 99.99 percent of germs?

Hand sanitizer in an antiseptic often employing the use of alcohol. Antiseptics are mainly used on skin or living surfaces so they are not as strong of a disinfectant as other sterilants. Mostly antiseptics are bacteriostatic meaning that they prevent the bacteria from being able to multiply on surfaces. However, they don't actually kill the already exisiting bacteria. In this way most bacteria already found on the hands are not killed but they won't multiply on the hands once hand sanitizer has been used.

When does fermentation involve the breakdown of sugar?

Fermentation involves the breakdown of sugar when microorganisms such as yeast or bacteria consume sugar as an energy source in the absence of oxygen. This process converts the sugar into alcohol or acids, producing energy for the microorganisms to grow and carry out other metabolic functions.