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The molecule T218O has molar mass of 24,031 g.

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Q: What is the largest mass in amu that a water molecule could have using other isotopes?
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Can water dissolve isotopes?

The solubility of a molecule is not dependent on the isotopic composition. In other words, if a molecule with a particular isotopic composition is soluble then so are all of its isotopomers and isotopologues.

What is the largest mass that a water molecule could have using other isotopes?

The standard water molecular weight is 18 = O16 + 2H1. Tritium (H3) exists, but the half life is 12.3 years. O18 is the heaviest of the stable istopes of oxygen. Combining it with tritium yields an atomic mass of 24. Oxygen 24 has a half life of 61 milliseconds, so you could very briefly get a water molecule with an atomic weight of 30. There may be an oxygen isotope as heavy as 26, though its half life is unknown.

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How do radioisotopes of an element differ from other isotopes?

Radioisotopes are unstable isotopes that undergo radioactive decay, emitting particles and/or energy in the process. This distinguishes them from stable isotopes that do not undergo radioactive decay. Radioisotopes are often used in medicine, industry, and research for various applications due to their unique properties related to their decay process.

What is the smallest part of a compound with all the properties of that compound?

A molecule

Why do the isotopes of hydrogen have a greater ratio of mass difference than the ratios for any other isotopes of other elements?

The isotopes of hydrogen have a greater ratio of mass difference because hydrogen has the smallest atomic mass compared to other elements. Since the mass of hydrogen isotopes differs significantly (H-1, H-2, and H-3), the ratio of their mass difference is also relatively larger. This makes the difference in mass between hydrogen isotopes more pronounced compared to isotopes of other elements, which have higher atomic masses.

Isotopes of an element differ from each other in the number of?

Isotopes of an element differ from each other in the number of neutrons in the nucleus. They have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons, leading to variations in atomic mass.

What element is formed when neptunium desintegrates?

Neptunium-237 decay to protactinium-233.Other isotopes of Np decay to other daughter isotopes.

What are some isotopes more heavily weighted than other?

Isotopes contain a different number of neutrons.

Is radon manmade or natural?

The radon isotopes 218Rn, 219Rn, 220Rn and 222Rn are natural isotopes. The other isotopes are manmade. See also the link below.

How isotopes resemble from each other?


Are there any other isotopes of xenon?

Yes, xenon has a total of nine stable isotopes, ranging from xenon-124 to xenon-136. These isotopes have different numbers of neutrons in their nucleus, giving them varying atomic masses.