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Antares, a very red star (alpha Scorpi) is a red giant star, and the brightest star in Scorpius.

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Q: What is the largest star in the Scorpius constellation?
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What kind of star is scorpius?

Scorpius isn't a star. Scorpius is a constellation, which is made up of many stars.

What are the main stars of scorpius?

Antares is the most important star in the Scorpius Constellation.

What is the brightest star in the scorpius constellation?

The brightest star in the constellation Scorpius, the Scorpion is Antares. It's a huge red giant, right in the middle of the scorpion.

What month is the scorpius constellation visible?

The Scorpius constellation is easiest to spot in July. The best way to find it is by first spotting Antares, the brightest star in the constellation. It is easy to see because it is orange. The Scorpius' tail will be south from Antares.

Which constellation contains the famous butterfly star cluster?

The cluster is in scorpius.

What is the name of the super giant star in Scorpio?

Antares is the supergiant star in the constellation Scorpio.Antares is the supergiant in the constellation Scorpio.

What is the temperature of Scorpius?

Scorpius is a constellation, it does not have a temperature.

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what is the nickname for scorpius the constellation?

How many stars are in the constellation Scorpius?

The star Scorpius is also known as the astrological sign, Scorpio. Scorpius has a total of 47 stars that are located within it.

What is the name of the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius?

The brightest star in Scorpius in Antares. It's a reddish star who's name means "rival of Ares" - the God of War. We know Ares better by his Latin name.... Mars.

What is the faint constellation between scorpius and Virgo?

Probably Libra. See related links for a star map.

What are the colors of the stars in the constellation Scorpius?

what are all the color stars in Scorpius