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Use this formula to find the largest weight of a load that is safe regardless of the angle of the crane's arm:

W_safe = (W*c)/(2*a)

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1w ago

The largest weight of a load that is safe to lift regardless of the angle of the crane's arm is typically determined by the crane's maximum lifting capacity, which is specified by the manufacturer and should not be exceeded for safety reasons. It is important to always refer to the crane's load charts and operating manual to ensure safe lifting operations.

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Q: What is the largest weight of the load that is safe to lift regardless of the angle of the crane's arm?
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What factors change the horizontal and vertical components of the weight of an object on a ramp?

The horizontal component of weight is affected by the angle of the ramp, while the vertical component of weight remains constant regardless of the angle. As the angle of the ramp increases, more of the weight vector is directed parallel to the ramp (horizontal component), and less is directed perpendicular to it (vertical component).

Does the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection change as the angle of incidence increases?

No, the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection remains the same regardless of the angle of incidence. This relationship is governed by the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

The side of a triangle is always opposite the angle with the largest measure?

No, this statement is not correct. The side opposite the largest angle is the longest side of a triangle only if the triangle is obtuse. In acute triangles, the side opposite the largest angle is the longest side, and in right triangles, the side opposite the right angle (90 degrees) is the longest side.

How weight of 1meter ms angle 25x25x5?

The weight of a 1 meter MS angle with dimensions 25x25x5 will depend on the density of the material. Assuming a density of 7850 kg/m^3 for mild steel, the weight can be calculated using the formula: weight = volume * density. Calculate the volume of the MS angle first (25x5x2 representing the length, thickness, and two sides) and then multiply by the density to get the weight in kg.

How do you calculate angle of refraction?

By finding ur mom's weight

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The largest angle in a triangle is opposite to its longest side

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An obtuse angle

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Opposite the largest angle