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The last thing he sees is Banquo and all his royal descendants. Well, he asked for it.

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Q: What is the last vision which the witches show Macbeth?
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What is the fourth vision the weird sister show Macbeth?

In the fourth vision, the Witches conjure a procession of eight kings, with the last king holding a mirror that reflects even more kings, symbolizing Banquo's royal descendants. This vision reinforces the prophecy that Banquo's line will be kings, adding to Macbeth's paranoia and fear of losing his throne.

Do the Witches show Macbeth eight Desires?

No, the witches show Macbeth three apparitions, not eight desires.

Why is Macbeth unhappy with the with the witches according to his conversations with Lennox?

Macbeth did not like what the witches had told him.

The witches showed Macbeth a bloody?

In an apparition, the three witches show Macbeth a bloody child that is meant to symbolize the just-born Macduff.

What event in Act 4 foreshadows Macbeth's eventual Downfall?

Malcolm and macduff discuss Macbeth's failure as a leader

Why do the witches show Macbeth 8 kings?

There were eight kings of Scotland who were allegedly decended from Fleance, the last being James VI who happened to be king of England when Shakespeare was writing the play.

How does Macbeth interpret the first three visions that the witches show him?

Hahah suck it

How did lady macbeth find out about the prophecy?

Lady Macbeth found out about the prophecy from her husband, Macbeth, after he shared it with her upon returning from meeting the witches. This prophecy ignited her ambition and fueled her desire for power.

Why should Macbeth and banquo not trust the witches?

Macbeth and Banquo should not trust the witches because they have a history of deception and manipulating people for their own purposes. By engaging with the witches and their prophecies, Macbeth and Banquo open themselves up to potential danger and moral corruption.

What is four things did the witches show Macbeth What does showsay What is Macbeth reaction?

The witches showed Macbeth three apparitions: an armed head, a bloody child, and a child with a crown on his head. The first apparition warned Macbeth of Macduff, the second assured him of his invincibility until Birnam Wood moved to Dunsinane, and the third promised that he would not be defeated until Great Birnam Wood came to high Dunsinane Hill. Macbeth reacted by feeling emboldened and reassured by the prophecies.

What was the witches second vision for Macbeth?

The second set of predictions by the three witches was revealed to readers and viewers in Act 4 Scene 1. The first set of predictions, in Act 1 Scene 3, had dealt with the rise to power of Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057]. The second set dealt with threats to the consolidation of that power. For the witches predicted danger from Macduff, a man not born of woman, and the movement of Birnam Wood to Dunsinane Castle. They went on to show that Banquo's family would occupy the throne of Scotland. But the warnings of the three dangers weren't explained. And so Macbeth left with a false sense of security, because of the seeming impossibility of two out of three predictions. But he also left with a renewed sense of purpose, because of the seeming resolution to his problems by the subsequent wholesale slaughter at the Macduffs' home at Fife Castle.

How do Macbeth's reactions to the witches King Duncan Banquo and Lady Macbeth reveal his ambition loyalty and potential for success or failure?

Macbeth's reactions to the witches show his ambition as he is immediately intrigued by their prophecies of his future. His loyalty to King Duncan is initially strong, but his ambition leads him to turn against the king. Lady Macbeth's influence brings out his potential for success in achieving the throne, but his own moral conflicts and the consequences of his actions lead to his eventual downfall.