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Q: What is the latest age babies started walking?
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dude any age is good. I started skating the same day i started walking

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What is the latest age you could have a baby?

Some people are able to have babies even at the age of 60. Others can't at the age of 35. This all depends on your physical condition, and also preexisting medical conditions.

What is the age of the youngest person to walk?

My mother always told me that I started walking at 6 months. Caleb

How old are babies when they start walking?

On average a baby can begin to stand between 8 and 10 months, while holding onto something. By 11 months most babies are able to stand without that support.

When do babies start walking and talking?

Babies typically start walking between 9-15 months old, with some babies starting earlier or later. They usually start saying their first words around 12 months old, but language development varies among children.

What is the latest age you should try for children?

the latest age is 35 or 34

What age do babies forward roll?

Not sure of the average age of when they are supposed to do this by themselves but my daughter started doing them 3 weeks ago and she is now 23 months.

What are some infant milestones at 9 months of age?

At about nine months of age babies should have started crawling and pulling themselves up on furniture. They should also have started to eat baby foods and saying mama or dada.

At what age can tamagotchies have babies?

They can have babies from 5 to 7

When do baby's start walking?

There is no exact age of when a baby starts to walk because every baby is different. My sister started walking when she was 1 year and 3 months but then my other sister was quicker and started when she was 9 months. Hope this was helpful and good luck!

What age can bottlenose dolphins have babies?

At the age of 8-10 can bottle-nose dolphins have babies.