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Indiana Check Deception - Laws & Penalties

Also referred to as worthless checks/bad checks, check deception is where you present a check to acquire money or other property knowing it won't be honored by the bank or credit institution.

Generally this offense is a Class A misdemeanorpunishable by up to 1 year in jail and fines reaching $5,000.

However if the value of the check is over $2,500 and the property acquired is a vehicle, then the charge is elevated to a Class D felony. Class D felonies carry a potential sentence of 6 months to 3 years in prison and fines reaching $10,000.

IC 35-43-5-5

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Q: What is the law on writing bad checks in Indiana?
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Can borrower and cosigner checks get garnished at the same time?

No, the law allows for only one garnishment action by a creditor to be in force.

If you write Account paid in full on a check doesn?

Writing account paid in full on a check is a statement that could hold up in the court of law stating a debt is paid. Be careful when writing this as it can be attributed to fact.

Can you put bad checks on bankruptcy?

bad check cannot be put on bankruptcy. your bank is the one you have to deal with directly about a bad check. the problem you run into with bad checks is two fold. first, if the bank has paid the check and your account is nsf, then you won't be able to declare bankruptcy and simple walk away. you will have to pay the negative balance and bring this to "zero" balance or you will not be able to open another checking account with any other bank. they have their own bank account history reporting system that is unrelated to the major credit bureaus. second, if the bank did not pay the check, the vendor is allowable under law to submit the check twice, send you notification of nsf, and then send the matter to the local authorities and they can begin a legal process by which they will place a warrant for your arrest and you will have to appear in court to defend yourself against "theft by check" charges. Make sure the bank paid the check first, very important, then pay the bank back so you can open another checking account.

Can a company deduct a bad debt from your pay?

No, they cannot, the only way that they can collect is through a garnishment ( a garnishee) this has to be done through a judgment in a court of law.

Will I be responsible for cashing a check that was a scam?

Yes, you will be. You must encash only those checks that you know are from a legitimate source. If you encash a bogus check or a check that was part of a scam, you are responsible for your actions and hence the law enforcement authorities can take action against you for using the check.

Related questions

What is Missouri law regarding bad check writing?

In Missouri, writing a bad check is a class A misdemeanor if the amount is over 500 dollars. Unless you have multiple bad checks, you will just be fined and not serve any jail time.

Is writing bad checks a mental condition?

Writing bad checks shows poor management and organization skills. It also shows a disregard for the law and for inconviencing other people. Not being able to handle your money might mean that the person has a mental illness if other symptoms are also present. Usually, people who write bad checks are just bad at handling their own finances and need to go to a cash-only system where they cannot spend what isn't there.

What is penalty for check forgery in Indiana?

The usual penalty if found guilty for check forgery in the state of Indiana is a Class D felony. Also, fines can apply. It is also still on the Indiana books that a person caught writing forged checks can receive the penalty of 100 floggings, or whips to the back. This law is "outdated" and hasn't been used in quite a long time.

What could happen if one were to write a fake check?

Writing fake checks is a criminal offense punishable by law. People have been prosecuted for attempting to cash checks involved in scams. If the person is writing the fake checks, then they can expect it to be much worse for them.

What law in Indiana prohibits grocery stores from accepting opened wine?

Why can't you return a bottle of wine in Indiana grocery stores after opening? It was a bad bottle.

What is the law on a bad check in fl?

The law is almost the same everywhere. Any person who issues bad checks can be legally prosecuted by the person to whom it was issued. You can request the person who gave you the bad check to pay you or you can file a police complaint against them.

When did Indiana Law Journal end?

Indiana Law Journal ended in 1899.

When was Indiana Law Journal created?

Indiana Law Journal was created in 1925.

What can be done if someone has now given me two bad check?

Report the offense to law enforcement. It is a crime to 'utter' worthless checks.

What is the law about vagrancy in Indiana?

Vagrancy laws in indiana

What is the law for writing bad checks in Washington?

If you're talking about enforcement of dishonored checks, you need to check: RCW 62A.3-502 through RCW 62A.3-525. If you want to know specifics, you should be more specific in your question, because there's A LOT of information in that section of the code.

Does Indiana have the castle doctrine law?

Yes Indiana has a Castle Doctrine law that's "Stand Your Ground"