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Q: What is the layer of rock and soil that groundwater flows through called?
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What is the top layer of groundwater called?


An underground layer of permeable material that contains groundwater is called?


An underground layer of permeable material that contains groundwater is called aan?

It is called an aquifer.

What is formed when groundwater pool between a permeable layer and an impermeable layer?

An aquifer forms when groundwater pools between a permeable layer and an impermeable layer.

What is formed when groundwater pool between a permeable layer and impermeable layer?

An aquifer forms when groundwater pools between a permeable layer and an impermeable layer.

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What layer of soil is groundwater located?

Groundwater is located in aquifers which are layers of rocks underground that have pores that fill with water that comes from the above layer called the water table or phreatic surface. Further below the water table, where the pores are filled with water, is called the phreatic zone.

What is the top of the groundwater layer?


Where does groundwater collect?

Groundwater is stored in, and moves slowly through, moderately to highly permeable rocks called aquifers. The word aquifer comes from the two Latin words, aqua, or water, and ferre, to bear or carry. Aquifers literally carry water underground. An aquifer may be a layer of gravel or sand, a layer of sandstone or cavernous limestone, a rubbly top or base of lava flows, or even a large body of massive rock, such as fractured granite, that has sizable cracks and fissures. In terms of storage at any one instant in time, groundwater is the largest single supply of fresh water available for use by humans.

What is the top of a groundwater layer?

undefined aquifer

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What is water trapped under ground called?

They are called groundwater. Far as I know, there is no specific name separating ground water in shallow water table and the ground water in confined aquifer. So you might have to called by the full description "groundwater in confined aquifer layer". Aquifer is the specifics name for porous rock and earth media in the question.